A Sample Story

Here's a sample story from The Many Adventures of Mr. Steve. Have you ever seen a kitty get stuck up high in a tree? How can you get her down? I used to have a kitty named Jackie and she loved to climb trees. But, getting her out of the tree was sometimes very challenging! This story offers one solution to this challenge... Enjoy!

Kitty In A Tree

Oh me oh my, Oh my oh me!
My cat got stuck up in a tree!

At first, we tried to call her down;
We were ignored.
She looked around.

And then I tried to wave my arm.
Her mind did not note my alarm.

I shot some water from my hose.
It did not even reach her toes.

But then I called a fireman.
He said, “Don’t fear! I have a plan.”

He found a can of kitty food.
“It’s sure to put her in the mood.
Your kitty cat is sure to smell
This yummy food, clear as a bell.”

He placed the food upon the ground,
And what do you know?
The cat came down!

The moral? It’s kinda funny…

Don’t call the cat; just call her tummy!


Kitty in a Tree Drawing
